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Reformanda Bildo

In October of 2017, I created this image. The inspiration behind the visual concept was the five hundredth aniversary of the day when Martin Luther nailed his theological protests to the church door in Germany. My personal name for the design is “Reformanda,” and to me it represents the constant struggle to reclaim what was good and true of past traditions by applying them graciously in the context of the real present.

I first developed the concept by sketching on paper. When I had settled on the design, I inked over my best pencil sketch with a pen. Then I took a photo of the drawing with my phone, sent the photo to my computer, and finally opened it in Inkscape, the open source vector editing software program. I then traced the bitmap image into a vector graphic before spending quite a lot of time tidying up the final design.

Today I am dedicating this image into the public domain. It may be used by any one for any purpose, with or without attribution.

Anyone who wishes to provide attribution for this image should identify its source as “strivenword” or link to it on Flickr.

Reformanda graphic

To the extent possible under law, strivenword has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Reformanda. This work is published from: United States.